Visual Embed in code

I’m trying to embed programately a visual from a dashboard, so i need these parameters, DashboardId, SheetId and VisualId, i can get the first two of them, but i could not find a way to get the visualId, is it possible to get it with the sdk?, because i can navigate to the dashboard and get it from “IDS from developers” but that id will change in my different environments.

thanks in advance


Visual id is unique and you will find it different on different env.
You can id this ID in interface like using Python. Make it configure able before you start your code.

Naveed Ali


in the dashboard, you can click the “dot dot dot” button in the visual right upper corner, choose “Embed visual”

Then you should be able to see the visual ID

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thanks for the answer, yep actually i’m using JS SDK, but i could not find a way to get the visualId, i’m using describeDashboard and with that function i can get dashboardid and sheetId, but i’m looking for VisualId, any thoughts?

thanks in advance

thanks, yep, there they are, but i’m looking a way to get those ids through a method in the SDK, something similar like describeDashboard, to get the visualId

API to describe dashboards is coming later this year. (We are able to enable this functionality for customers to preview. Please work with a member of AWS/QuickSight team if interested.)

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To add - currently, you cannot make public API call from javascript today due to CORS restriction. However, I am curious to know your criteria to retrieve Visual IDs. [Example of criteria: Get Visual IDs of all visuals in Dashboard D1, Sheet S1 where chart type is LINE CHART]

The most common solutions involve getting the IDs of visuals to be embedded via UI (as explained above), saving them in a config or code, and using them IDs while embedding. You can have separate config for each deployment stage.

It would help if you elaborate on what you are trying to achieve, and the criteria for getting visual IDs for a sheet.


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