Change default format date in parameters setup

Please explain me how I can change default format date in setting up parameters in QuickSight.
In this case, the date format is used YYYY/MM/DD
I need a format ddd D MMM, YYYY
I would like to use it for the title and subtitle in the visual.

Hi @Ladislav

how would you consider to use the parameter? if you would like to use the parameter in control, there is format setting when you create control of the parameter and you can specify D MMM, YYYY.

Thank for your answer. This will help me , but now I need setup format date in Title or subtitle of analyze. I amnot perfect english, sorry. I used some pictures.

thank you for the clarification.

unfortunately there is no option to configure the format when using date parameter in title/subtitle. At AWS, our roadmap is primarily driven by our customers. Your feedback helps us build a better service. I have noted this in our internal feature request tracker.

One possible way to achieve is is using insights. You can use a (1) dummy dataset with a single cell value (2) create parameter (3) bind calculated filed with parameter and (4) format calculated field (5) show this calculated in insight . Below screenshot shows title of date of dashboard refresh derived from a formmated date parameter value in insight using calculated field: