Filter Across datasets, across pages, all datasets have [Customer Name] column

I have multiple datasets, however they all have 1 field in common to slicer by [Customer Name]

Is it possible to apply a global filter on the Overview Landing page that would apply to all detail page content and restrict visibility to just the 1 customer selection?

This should be possible by capturing the customer in a parameter, and then using the parameter in filters on each page.

First create a control to set the parameter value from the list of customers.
Then, on each page create a filter set to ā€˜Custom filterā€™ with ā€˜Use parametersā€™ checked, and applied to visuals as you require. Then select the parameter you created.

you may use parameter as shared by Simon. But it may be painful if you need to create multiple filters as you need to repeat the same process again.
Instead, can you join between those tables in the dataset and exclude duplicated columns in the dashboards? so that you only need to create 1 filter. Also, you may avoid confusion when building dashboard
Reference showing how to join data Joining data - Amazon QuickSight

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Thank you for posting the link. After reading and testing, I have 6 disparate data source queries that are all different fact tables, so I am not able to join them it appears. The 1 field they share across all source queries / datasets is the [CustomerId] and [Customer Name], so I was able to read up on parameters and filters and map all the same named fields across datasets. and tie 1 parameter to 1 field, and then the selection ripples through to all tables because of the mapping across sources on the same named field. Thank you!

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After reading and testing, I have 6 disparate data source queries that are all different fact tables, so I am not able to join them it appears. The 1 field they share across all source queries / datasets is the [CustomerId] and [Customer Name], so I was able to read up on parameters and filters and map all the same named fields across datasets. and tie 1 parameter to 1 field, and then the selection ripples through to all tables/source queries because of the mapping across sources on the same named field. Thank you!