Replace Data from files to Sheets in the same file

Hi @ALl,

I have a dashboard which extracts data from s3 ( Where I placed 5 csv files A, B, C, D & E in s3 locations ). I created 5 datasets by pulling those files as separately.

Now, I have all the data in the one Excel file as 5 different sheets A, B, C, D & E with same data & same structure ( I want to change csv file to excel as a data source ).

Is it possible to change data source from files to Sheets? or I need to do from scratch to develop the dashboard?

Is it possible to replace data source from CSV files to Excel & Vice versa Dynamically whenever we want.

Hi @Venkat.Metadata -

You can create the 5 new datasets based on the excel sheets. Then go to the source analysis for the dashboard, replace the datasets with their flat file/Excel equivalents. Then republish the dashboard.

Read the warnings on the public doc. I always like to make a copy of the analysis before replacing datasets, “just in case”

Hi @Venkat.Metadata,
It’s been awhile since we last heard from you, did you have any additional questions regarding your post or were you able to find a work around?

If we do not hear back within the next 3 business days, I’ll close out this topic.

Thank you!

Hi @Brett, I didn’t find any solution.

Hi @Venkat.Metadata,
To my understanding, currently you are not able to switch the type of datasource, you would need to upload a separate copy.