A quick question please. I am trying to create just one Dashboard to show data, but I would like to use a parameter to show the Dashboard and its chart details (Titles, Subtitles … even table column names) in Spanish or in English depending on one “language” paramter (ENG or SPA)
I thouhgt a solution could be to create calculated fields for each of these titles, subtitles or table column names to show the right value depending on the “language” paramenter, however dont see it is possible to add custom fields to these titles, subtitles or table column names.
Is there any suggestion or workaround that we could follow to create a Dashboard to be presentend in different languanges depending on a parameter?
Hello Deep
I have readed the post that you sent me. It is interesting, but I think we are looking for a similar, but different solution.
I do not need to translate the data shown in the charts, or the tables, what I need is to show the titles and subtitles of the charts for example, or the text in the text boxes depending on the language paramenter.
For example, I have a chart in the Dashboard and if the language paramenter is set to “ENG” the value shown in the title of the chart should be:
“Chart Title in English”
but if the language parameter is set to “SPA” the value shown in the title must be:
“Título del chart en Castellano”.
To do so I have created a custom field “CustomTitle”:
${language} = ‘ENG’, “Chart Title in English”,
${Language} = ‘SPA’, “Título del chart en Castellano”,
“Default text”
Question here is, how can I use this “CustomTitle” calculated field in the properties.title of the chart?. I see parameters can be used, but dont see how to use calculated fields???
Thanks, yeah, I knew that it could be done by using parameters, however I dont think this will work for our objective.
As we whant to change the title completly for every visual depending on the language selected in a single paramenter “language”, and not only adding a word to a single visisual with a parameter just linked to it.
Dont see how can we do this with parameters.
Can we create a parameter that would show one value or other depending on the value of other parameter??
One way to do this is to use duplicate visuals and overlay one over the other and enable show/hide option based on the parameter value.
However this may not be the efficient way and in case you have direct query dataset, it is not the optimized solutions as well.
For making it more optimized, you can only overlay title with custom narrative which computes conditional title based on the parameter value. I have not tried this method and may require tweak since it is a custom narrative, but custom narrative support simple ifelse clause.