Visual Borders are getting disappeared while Exporting visuals to pdf


When I export visual to PDF, the visual borders are getting disappeared, But Background color is there . Is there any way to make it available in PDF export?

Hi @Ganga,

I have faced the same challenges during my work. The best approach is to discuss this with your team members and consider taking a subscription for paginated reports. Yes, it is chargeable, but it provides highly formatted reports. Alternatively, you can use the download as print options.

Thanks & Regards
Biswajit Dash

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Hi @Biswajit_1993 ,Thanks For the Quick response . Will check on the same.

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You are welcome! Take your time, and let me know if you need any further assistance.

Hi Biswajit,
Can you please resolve my query like I have "n’ number of dashboard in QuickSight .I want to show dashboard for that particular user and rest other dashboard will not be visible to that user. user can see only his dashbaord .how to achieve this in Quicksight

Hi @Akash,

Let’s say you have 10 dashboards and you want to share only 3 with other users. You can do this by following these steps:

Step 1: Click on the respective dashboard, and on the top right, you will see a share button. You will have two options, “Share Dashboard” and “Share View.” Click on “Share Dashboard.”

Step 2: A dialog box will appear asking with whom you want to share the dashboard. Simply add the user’s email ID and share the dashboard with him.

Please follow these steps. If you encounter any difficulties, please let me know.

Thanks & Regards
Biswajit Dash

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Hi @akash2,
I’m just checking if you need help on this question? If the previous response did help, please mark his reply as solution. If we do not hear back in the next 7 days, we will archive the question.
Many Thanks,

we are checking with the team for the suggestions provided. Still couldn’t figure out the reason. but we have some observations like while changing the theme , Borders are visible in pdf export. You can mark the above as solution, Where as if we get any information on the reasons, will update here. Thanks!