Why should we use Quicksight CLI instead of UI?

Why should we use Quicksight CLI instead of UI?

Hi @Dola,

Welcome to the QuickSight Community and thanks for asking your question.

The CLI provides even greater control of your QuickSight account and assets. Some examples where the CLI offers greater control is the creation of templates for your analyses and dashboards, or using the “describe” commands to output the full JSON definition of an analysis, for example, which is covered in detail in this blog.


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we are in the beginning phases, but i am excited to introduce more usage of the cli at my org. the reasons include:

  1. version control.
  2. reproducible templates.
  3. development cycle where we build new things in a development account, deploy to testing, and from there to production.
  4. sometimes we need to downgrade someone from an author to a reader account. quicksight doesn’t allow downgrades. using the cli we could start by saving all their permissions to a file, then delete the account, then using the ui, invite the person to a new account, and when they are signed up, pass the all the previous permissions to the new reader account automatically.

Hi @Dola
As mentioned by others, there is more functionality for managing QuickSight assets via the CLI, than is offered in the QS UI. One such feature is that of moving QuickSight objects across AWS accounts - simply not supported in the UI. Alternately, you can use OverSight for Amazon QuickSight which solves this problem in an easy-to-use web application, that you configure with your Amazon QuickSight (AWS Account) subscriptions. In addition to moving QuickSight objects across accounts, OverSight provides a full life-cycle management solution that allows a user to group together QuickSight objects into an “Applications” and then create versioned “Releases” of your Analyses, Datasets and Dashboards, for simple deployment to other AWS / QS Accounts (Dev, Test, Prod, etc). You can try it for free on the AWS Marketplace.