Y Axis Range Auto shows blank space on top of chart

I have many clustered combo charts where I have set the range and axis step count on Y-axis to Auto but the axis range is higher than what it needs to be and hence there is extra blank space on top of all such charts. Is there a way to correct this?
I don’t want to custom hardcode the range and want it to auto calculate based on the final output in the chart. This is how it currently looks with auto range

hi @taliyan,

would it be possible to enable “Logarithmic Scale” for Y-axis?


kind regards,

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@taliyan ,
Hope this answer your question? If so, please help the community out by marking this answer as “Solution!”

I want to use regular scale, logarithmic scale is not a good fit for most of the metrics in my report

Hello @taliyan , @Wakana , and @Neeraj !

@taliyan were you able to find a solution or workaround for this problem or are you still working on this?

When you say you are using Auto for the range, are you using the Auto selection starting at 0 or the one based on your data range? Also, have you tried experimenting with the custom range?

Hello @taliyan , @Wakana , and @Neeraj !

It has been some time since there has been activity on this thread. If there is no new activity in the next 3 business days this topic will be archived.