How and When Controls Dropdown Value are refreshed when new data comes in

wanted to ask whether there is any user guide on how/when the dropdown values of controls are refreshed when the dataset is refreshed?

Dropdown control can be linked to the field values from the data set. Doing this is useful if you want the choices or values in the drop-down menu to update whenever new values are added to a given column in your data. In other words, doing this makes the parameter values dynamic—as your data changes, so does the values in the drop-down.

Here is additional documentation link that will help you - Using a control with a parameter in Amazon QuickSight - Amazon QuickSight

Hi Neeraj,

Thanks for your response. I was more looking for answers to how often the dropdown in dashboard will be refreshed when dataset is refreshed



it based on filter, if you create it by using the database field this will automatically
updated as data refreshed.

like you have a regained filter and its based on field of dataset. no manual action will be required.

If query mode of the dataset is Direct Query the dropdown data will be cached. They will be refreshed only on demand.
If query mode is SPICE they will be refreshed when the dataset is refreshed.

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UPDATE: New improvement now supports auto refresh for direct query controls every 24 hours