Possible Bug - Navigation Action Does Not Set Parameter When User Clicks on Grouping Field

I have a dashboard that uses a Navigation action with a parameter to enable a drill through, similar to the solution described here: Can I use QuickSight Navation Action with Filter without affecting the current sheet?

The parameter is set correctly if a user activates the action by clicking on a data field within the pivot table.

However, the parameter is set to NULL if a user activates the action by clicking on a group by field.

Consider the following sample pivot table. Sales Region, Sales Manager, and Sales Rep are rows. Total Sales is a value.

| Sales Region | Sales Manager | Sales Rep | Total Sales |
| AMER         | Bob           | Joe       | $100,000    |
| APAC         | Kevin         | Tim       | $150,000    |

Activating the action from the Total Sales column sets the parameter correctly. Activating the action by clicking on other cells sets the parameter to Null.

This seems like a bug. Can anyone confirm if this is working as intended? Is there a workaround?

Hi @DixieFlat1line and welcome to the QuickSight community!

What’s the parameter that you’re activating by the action?

Additionally, which open do you have set for the ‘set parameter value’ section of your action?

Using a ‘field:’ option normally allows you to work around this type of issue.
So let’s say you’re parameter that’s changing from the action is Region. In the above option, if I were to select ‘Field: Region’, it would pull the region field from whichever row I clicked on (no matter the column), and it would take the region from that row and set the new parameter.

Hi @DixieFlat1line,
Following up here as it’s been awhile since we last heard from you; did you have any additional questions regarding your post?

If we do not hear back within the next 3 business days, I’ll close out this topic.

Thank you!