Quicksight users are unable to access the Q topics I shared

I created QuickSight Q topic on a dataset and was able to share it with my team. My team members are unable to access the topic. We all use amazonbi account for dashboard.

May I know how my team can access the Q topic I created?

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Hello @abangari, welcome to the QuickSight community!

So with Q sharing, from my experience, you cannot share the topic directly. So like the topic where you actually manipulate the topic, the fields within it, and the questions approved for it, belongs to you directly. If you want them to interact with the topic you created, after sharing it, republish a dashboard you have with that dataset and add the Q topic you made. After that, they will be able to interact with it and provide feedback on the questions.

Sharing the authoring view of the topic is not currently available, so keep an eye on releases for QuickSight Q to stay in the loop for new features!

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Hi DylanM,

 Could you please elaborate a little bit more about " after sharing it, republish a dashboard you have with that dataset and add the Q topic you made."  

  I also have problems for sharing Q to my customers.
